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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Start to a New Day

This morning I woke up and checked my email. I got some interesting messages about Obama being inaugurated. Now, I was sure that I had read somewhere something about it being in the afternoon so you might understand my surprise when I log on to Twitter just to find a bunch of comments about the the inauguration! So I quickly turned on my TV to catch maybe half of Obama's speech.

I should clarify that I'm not real big on speeches but I really liked this one. He was very clear about what his goals are and didn't beat around the bush a whole lot when addressing things like the economy and water boarding (a.k.a. Torture).

While I'm sure that the poem that was read by, I believe, Elizabeth Alexander was good enough (though it didn't strike me as great) the actual reading of it was just awful. It was like a moribund moment that just wouldn't die! It just comes to prove that being able to write is not the same as being able to read.

The benediction on the other hand was deep, witty, well thought out and, despite the limited amount of time allotted, very dynamic. It was very refreshing to hear someone who is a good orator speak.

All in all it was very enjoyable and joyous experience.

I share with you a photograph of the 44th President of the United States of America, President Barack Obama by Jmtimages on Flickr.

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