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Monday, January 12, 2009

Unexpected Surprises

So today after church I had the odd experience of having someone come up to me and tell me that one of my pictures is in this months "Revue" (English language magazine. Page 12, bottom. January 2009 edition "Revue Magazine").

My parents and I picked up an issue from a nearby stack and started leafing through. Of course by now I've remembered that I did indeed hear that revue was looking for photographs so I sent a few in. It was a little hard to find because I didn't actually have any idea which one they actually used. Turns out that they picked out the one included in this post.

Oddly enough the person who let me know is friends with the wife of one of the participating photographers (and a friend of mine).

While reading through kitty's blog (Design Backslash), I just couldn't help but notice how few degrees of separation we have between us here in Guatemala city. This isn't the first time I've had this kind of experience. Let me know if you agree/disagree or have anything to add!!

Aminta Paiz


  1. Concuerdo contigo, tienes toda la razón. Casi siempre resulta que dos personas conocen al menos una persona en común(sin ellos saberlo muchas veces)y de ahí por una u otra razón lo descubren... y es de ahí que luego escuchamos tan frecuentemente la expresión: "pero que pequeño es el mundo".

  2. y más en Guatemala que todos los circulos en los que nos movemos suelen ser bastante pequeños y tarde que temprano todos nos acabamos conociendo.
